Thursday, October 16, 2014

What's Happening

OK so yes I haven't been posting but to be honest, many things have been happening which are extremely complicated... With that I'll get right into what I intended to put.

I have been making many new things as well as experimenting with several combinations of yarn colors. I have also gotten new beads that I have been able to make some cute bracelets with. There will also be some new projects made with rubber bands.

I'm currently working on a crocodile stitch tablet case and will start another. I have started a few perler works and will be finishing them soon. There is also a scarf/shawl that I'm working on and hopefully will get done before the weather gets any cooler.

I believe that's it, hopefully I'll post pictures of all projects soon. Bye bye~ :-)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Super Pretty

Ok so I've been kinda not making as many things as I have been meaning to make. I have a lot of personal things going on that I won't go into because that's not what I'm here to do. So for today's presentation I have some crochet and beaded stuff, some of which I've done today and some of made in the time since the last post.
Half Double Crochet, Treble Crochet, Single Crochet
First up is a tablet case I made for my sister. I had been meaning to make her one of beads but decided that crocheting one would be a little easier. It's made using a 5.5mm hook I believe or a 5mm one. The flower was made with a 5mm hook.

Half Double Crochet, Double Crochet, Single Crochet
A giant cupcake bag that I made using a 6.5mm hook. This bag took me forever only because I keep being unable to finish it due to the fact that I was in a "start project after project" mood and so I didn't finish it. But once I did finish it, it's one of my favorite bags that I've made. I have been able to put quite a few things in there and still have some space left over for some more.
Single Crochet, Brick Stitch
 A giant red bag whose color died cause of my phone... I was able to put my laptop into this bag, as well as the power cord and a computer mouse. The only thing about this bag is that the strap is too long, it's over the shoulder and if there's a laptop in there the weight makes it seem longer.

Neon Green and Black Pony Beads
White and Glow in the Dark Pink, Neon Purple Stars and Dark Purple Hearts
Some simple bulky bracelets I made using pony beads. I'm super in love with making these bracelets, even though I probably shouldn't because I tend to go overboard with them. In my eyes the bulkier and more complicated I make them the more I like them. Although simple bracelets are good too.

Right now I'm working on some small bags, none of which are super giant. They're more like shoulder bags. they're probably the same size as the Candy Purse from my previous post. As for new projects, I'll probably make some more bracelets and maybe some rings. I'll make some more tablet cases too, with a butterfly or heart instead of a flower. I'll of course be making some 4th of July stuff, oh and I think I might start posting some picture's of my nail's but I'm not sure yet. And I think that's about it~ =) Hope to bring another post super soon, ♥

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Feeling Pink

Today I realized that I'm really inexperienced in a lot of things, and because of that I've decided to up the amount of things I do. But back to the presenting of some new items I've been able to make since the last time. =)

"Candy Purse" - Double Crochet, Single Crochet, Treble Crochet
First up is a bag that I've had sitting around for a while and had yet to finish... I'm super happy with how it came out. I ended up stuffing it with things once I finished it. Oh and before I forget none of the bags I make have lining. I've been meaning to add some but I haven't gotten around to it...

Single Crochet
I am super proud of this one, it took me roughly two days to complete. This one started as a pet project and wound up being one of the nicest things I've managed to crochet. I used a 5.5mm hook which is the same size I used to make the "Candy Purse" named because of the strap color. I haven't gotten around to naming the pink and black one but I'll probably think of something in a few days.

Now for some WIP/new projects: I have almost completed the Doily, just need to add a few rows. I'm going to start working on another bag. Might actually get around to finishing that bead bag I started and have yet to finish... So yeah I've been busy and hope to have a new update soon =). ♥~

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Work In Progress

I haven't been posting anything even though I have been busy... So I decided to post a WIP of a doily that I'm working on. =)
My phone's camera is awful...
I've also been doing some beaded stuff, from coin purses to bracelets to a beaded rose on a headband.
Beaded rose in Pastel Pearl Purple and Dark Pearl Purple

Perler Bead creations, a toaster and two Yoshi eggs
So far I've been able to complete lots of things most of which haven't been posted X(.
On another note I've gone shopping for some more beads and have found that I enjoy shopping =). I will try to update more often (I'm always saying that...) hopefully with the completed Doily.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


So today is a Wednesday, and I've decided to update my overall blog on Wednesdays. AKA I will put little widgets here and there or I'll just change the whole concept of the blog. Now I know I haven't updated as much as I probably should have, but I've been lazy and procrastinating. I will of course try to add some new things that I've made so that the original reason this blog was made won't be lost. I'm not sure when that is, but I've got several projects I have in mind that I would like to do.

Currently I'm working on a Slouchie Beanie and a scarf. I've also made several more beaded wallets, 2 in fact. There are some beaded bracelets, and I've been thinking of different designs that will work well with some wire that I have. As well as different designs for some wallets that I will have for Valentine's Day.

I think that's all my blabbering for now, I will come back with some more of my craziness. =) <3